Kamis, 15 September 2011

Type Ketoprak

  1.  Ketoprak Lesung

As the name implies, a musical instrument used in this Ketoprak composed of mortar, drums and flutes flying. Story which brought the folk tales that revolves around the lives of at Pademangan - Pademangan, when the village headman discuss pest problemsthat are sweeping their villages or stories about Mr. Farmer and Farmer Mbok in managing their farms.

Therefore dipakaipun costumes as they are day to day as the rural population, coupledwith a little make-up that is realistic.

Dimples Ketoprak required to perform as many supporters of ± 22 people, which is 15people for the players (men and women) and 7 as a musician. In this show the existence of unknown or waranggana or sinden special vocalist. To accompany vocalmusic performed jointly by both musicians and players.

Dimples Ketoprak show uses of the arena stage with a circular floor design. Until nowKetoprak Dimples are still maintaining a torch lighting equipment, but there is also a show that uses lights Ketoprak Dimples.

One of the differences Ketoprak Dimples with Ketoprak Gamelan is the element ofdance. At the time of entry or exit the stage or other activities to do with the playersKetoprak Dimples dances are improvised.

Dimples Ketoprak long show is dependent on the needs. When asked to play all nightand half the night this ketoprak players will adjust to take the right to play it, but with a note that the show is only performed at night.

  2. Ketoprak Gamelan

Although it is a further development would Dimples Ketoprak Ketoprak Gamelanperformances but this function does not change, ie as an entertainment for the community, which sometimes slip illumination light from the government to them.

Only stories that are played in this Gamelan Ketoprak more taken from the Chroniclestory about the kingdoms that ever existed, especially in Java. Ketoprak required to perform as much as about 34 supporters of the players, gamelan, waranggana or sinden, and puppeteer.

Old gig for every gig to reach 7 to 8 hours, and can be done either day or night. In thisKetoprak performances of the actors are usually based on a short script created by thepuppeteer. This text contains only guidance on what the scene should be shown from the core and the story is staged. Dialogue, blocking and other games at the stageentirely performed by the player in improvisation. Ketoprak uses musical instruments that form a complete Javanese gamelan pelog and slendro, or slendro only.

The players Ketoprak wear costumes and makeup that is realist in accordance with the role and the time when they appear. Place the form of stage performances shaped stage with decorations (background) which is realist (in accordance with the scene, for example in the forest, in the courts and others). Likewise, the spoken dialogue of the players.

Ketoprak Gamelan can be regarded as a traditional drama which usually takes the story of the kingdoms of the past. Before the main game ketoprak the start, usuallyserved first extra performances of the dances that have nothing to do with the story which will be played.

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